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Bird watching in Nepal

Trip at a Glance

  • Country

    Country: Nepal

  • Trip grade

    Trip grade: Moderate

  • Destination

    Destination: Nepal

  • Group size

    Group size: Minimum 8 people

Nepal has become a bird watching destination of International importance. Because of high altitude variation, biodiversity, temperature and climatic condition, the country has become the habitat of varieties of birds. Though, Nepal is a small country interms of area, it is definitely a vast countrry in terms of avifauna. A total of 862 species of birds have make Nepal's natural geography, their shelter.

A wide diversity in natural vegetation is also one of the major reason for the availabiltiy of birds species in Nepal. The diverse vegetation ranges from lush subtropical forests to open grassland, riparian forests to alpine pastures along with the deserts of the trans-himalayan region. Nepal is the home for about 10% of the worlds population of birds. About 500 species of birds are found in the Kathmandu valley itself. Also, Nepal is famous for endangered species of birds like "Impeyan Pheasant", "Spiny Babbler" and National bird "Danphe". Some of the famous places for bird watching are Godawari Botanical Garden and Phulchowki hill, Sivapuri National Park and Nagarjun forest inside Kathmandu valley while places like Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve, Chitwan National Park, Bardiya National Park etc are famous for bird watching outside the Kathmandu valley.

Thus, Nepal is recognized as one of the best destination for bird lovers and orinthologists.

Detail Itinerary

After arrival in Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu, you will meet one the memeber of travel agency. He/ she will guide you about the tour.

After having breakfast , you will drive to Godawari. You will spend your day birding in the Botanical garden. Return to hotel in the evening.

After having breakfast in hotel, you will drive to Godawari. And from Godawari, you will hike to Phulchowki hill. Full day birding at Phulchowki. You can see birds like spring babbler, curia, mountain hawk, eagle, rufous bellied pied woodpeckers, the black throated parrot, bill etc. Return to the hotel in the evening.

You can reach to Shivapuri either from Buddhanilkantha or from Sundarijal. About 318sp. of birds have made their habitat. Crested serpent eagle, little pied fly catchers, rupy- throats, babblers, laughung trush are the birds that can be observed. Similarly you will travel through Nagarjun forests where you can see red billed blue magpie, chestnut-headed bee eater, northern eagle, owl, large hawk, cuckoo etc. Return to the hotel in the evening.

Early morning, after having breakfast you will drive to Chitwan. It will take around 4hrs to reach to Chitwan. Visit the nearest Tharu community in the evening. Overnight at hotel.

After having a cup of tea or coffee, walk out for observing morning birds. In the you can have Jungle safari or Jeep safari to observe varieties of birds as well as some wild animals. More than 500 bird species can be seen. Overnight at hotel.

Early mornig you will drive to Koshi-Tappu Wildlife reserve. Scrub grassland and deciduous riverine forest is the major characteristics of the wildlife reserve which includes 450 species of birds. Black lbis, honey kites, black headed orioles, peregrine falcon etc. can be seen. Overnight at hotel.

Early morning you will drive back to Kathmandu.

Today is the rest day. You can utilize your day by sightseeing of Kathmandu valley. Overnight at hotel.

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